Taux de transformation

Conversion rate: What is it and how to calculate it?

Essential to your online success: understand, calculate and optimize your conversion rate. We tell you all about this KPI.

In the digital age, optimizing every aspect of your online marketing strategy is crucial to staying ahead of the competition. An often underestimated but vital element of this strategy is the conversion rate.

Wondering why some companies are more successful online than others? The answer could often lie in their ability to convert visitors into paying customers.

This article will guide you through the fundamentals of conversion rate. Discover with us the definition of this metric, how to calculate and optimize it.

What is the conversion rate?

The conversion rate is a key performance indicator that measures the effectiveness of your website and advertising campaigns in converting visitors into concrete actions. These may be purchases, newsletter subscriptions, or other commercial objectives. Calculated by dividing the number of conversions by the total number of visitors, then multiplying the result by one hundred, this percentage gives you a clear picture of the efficiency of your marketing approach.

Why is it important? Because a high conversion rate means that your site and campaigns are relevant and effective, meeting the needs and expectations of your visitors. As a paid media agency, we monitor this KPI very closely to evaluate the success of our marketing actions.

Conversely, a low conversion rate may indicate problems in your marketing tactics or in the user experience offered. Every visitor who leaves your site without taking the desired action represents a missed opportunity for growth.

Understanding and improving your conversion rate isn’t just a matter of tracking the numbers. It requires in-depth analysis of user data, understanding customer journeys and implementing evidence-based changes to make your website more engaging. By focusing on optimizing this rate, you take a decisive step towards better sales performance and greater customer satisfaction.

How to calculate the conversion rate?

Calculating the conversion rate is a fundamental step in evaluating the effectiveness of your website or advertising campaigns. Understanding this metric helps you adjust your marketing efforts to achieve better results. Let’s take a look at how to calculate it simply and accurately.

The conversion rate is expressed as a percentage. To find it, you need to divide the number of conversions by the total number of visitors to your specific site or page during a given period, then multiply this result by one hundred to obtain a percentage. Here’s the formula:

  • Conversion rate (%) = (Number of conversions / Total number of visitors) × 100
How do you calculate a conversion rate?

Let’s define what we mean by conversions: A conversion can be any action you want your visitors to take. This can range from purchasing a product, to signing up for a newsletter, or even completing a survey. It’s crucial to define what a ‘conversion’ is in the context of your specific objectives.

Consider visitors: Total visitors are anyone who has accessed your site or page. It’s important to ensure that you count only unique visitors to avoid skewing your results with multiple visits by the same person.

Calculation example

If your website received 1,000 unique visitors this month and 50 of them made a purchase, your conversion rate would be :

  • Conversion rate (%) = (50 / 1000) × 100 = 5%.

This figure tells you that 5% of your site’s visitors have taken the desired action. With this information, you can begin to evaluate the effectiveness of your site and your marketing strategies.

Bear in mind that conversion rates can vary considerably depending on the industry, the type of product or service, and the nature of the conversion. So it’s useful to compare your figures with industry benchmarks to see where you stand.

What is a good conversion rate?

Today, a “good” conversion rate is generally between 2% and 5%. However, a “good” conversion rate can vary considerably depending on the industry, the type of product or service, and the specific nature of the targeted action.

To evaluate your conversion rate, compare and consider these elements:

  • Industry and context: For example, an e-commerce site might have an average transformation rate of 2% to 3%. At the same time, an industrial equipment site will generally have lower results.
  • Conversion objective: Conversions requiring lower engagement, such as signing up for a newsletter, may have a higher conversion rate than actions such as completing a purchase.
  • Target audience: Each target group has different buying behaviors, preferences and expectations. These can affect their propensity to convert. For example, a younger audience could potentially prefer more interactive campaigns. But an older audience might choose more detailed information and a simplified buying process.

Why is the conversion rate crucial?

The conversion rate doesn’t just measure effectiveness; it’s a true barometer of your online success. A high rate means that your website or advertising campaigns resonate well with your audience, prompting visitors to take action. This reflects a deep understanding of your potential customers’ needs and desires, aligned with an offer that fully satisfies them.

On the other hand, a good conversion rate has a direct impact on your return on investment (ROI). By maximizing the number of conversions per visitor, you effectively increase the return on every marketing dollar spent. This means less wasted resources on ineffective tactics and more funds available for other growth initiatives.

There’s also a direct correlation between conversion rate and Customer Lifetime Value (CLV). A customer who has been effectively converted is often better engaged and more inclined to return. By improving your rate, you not only increase immediate sales, but also the future revenue potential of each customer.

How to optimize your conversion rate?

Optimizing your conversion rate starts with a clear understanding of your target audience. Who is your target audience? What are their needs and expectations? Once you’ve clarified these questions, you can fine-tune your message and offers to better resonate with them.

However, to improve your conversion rate with confidence and accelerate your business, the best way is to call on the services of a Web Analytics agency.

Here are some specific strategies for improving your conversion rate:

1. Improving content quality

Content that speaks directly to your audience’s needs is crucial. Make sure every page of your site and every ad is informative, engaging, and geared toward the clear action you want the user to take.

2. Optimize user experience (UX)

Easy navigation, attractive design, and visible, persuasive calls to action are essential. Make sure your site is fast, mobile-friendly, and easy to use to encourage conversions.

3. A/B testing

Don’t assume you know what works best; test it. Use A/B tests to compare different versions of a page or ad to see which variant converts best. This allows you to make decisions based on data rather than guesswork.

4. Use analytics data

Analytics platforms can provide valuable insights into what’s working and what’s not. Analyze user journeys, click-through rates, and exit rates to identify areas for improvement.

5. Personalization

In the digital age, personalization can make or break your marketing efforts. Tailor your messages and offers to your users’ behaviors, preferences, and demographics to increase the chances of conversion.

6. Precise Segmentation and Targeting

Use in-depth data to segment your audience into more specific groups. This allows you to personalize your campaigns in an even more targeted way, tailoring messages to resonate with each sub-group. Precise communication and targeting can greatly improve campaign effectiveness.

7. Dynamic Retargeting

Don’t let visitors leave without converting. Retargeting allows you to present targeted ads to users who have already visited your site but haven’t taken the desired action. By using dynamic ads tailored to the user’s specific interests, you increase the chances of conversion on their next visit.

8. Landing page optimization

Your landing pages must be flawless. Test different elements such as titles, images, calls to action, and page structure to find out what converts best. Using heat analysis tools (heatmaps) can reveal where visitors click and how far they scroll, helping you adjust elements to maximize engagement and conversions.

9. Marketing automation

Automation can help keep users engaged and push them towards conversion. Automated emails based on user behavior, such as abandoned carts or repeated visits without purchase, can be very effective in converting leads into customers.

10. Optimizing your SEO

To improve your results, you’ll need to optimize your SEO (Search Engine Optimization). Research and analyze keywords of interest to your target audience. Focus on highly transaction-oriented keywords, carefully selected to appeal to the profiles of your target audience. Optimize your landing pages to ensure they contain the keywords your audience is looking for.

Better SEO will increase traffic to your website. By doing so, you increase your conversion potential. In other words, among the new visitors you’ll certainly have those interested in converting.

If you’re not an expert, but you want to make the necessary optimizations to your website, don’t hesitate to call in an SEO agency.


Improving conversion rates is an ongoing journey for any online business. By starting with the basics and progressing to more advanced techniques, you can constantly improve the way you engage and convert your audience. Don’t forget that every little adjustment can have a significant impact on your end results. Test, measure and adjust regularly to stay on top of your game.

If you need help getting started or improving your current techniques, don’t hesitate to contact our team.

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Vincent Chevalier Levy

Vincent Chevalier Levy

After managing the largest marketing analytics & growth teams from the Silicon Valley (Electronic Arts & Udemy), Vincent decided to create Impulse Analytics in order to accelerate the growth of the accounts he manages. Vincent's focus on media, content & data helped him generate more than +50 million euros of revenue, +70 clients supported, 25 countries and counting ..

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